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在第九任校长远见卓识的推动下, Dr. 迪恩·哈伯德计算机服务主任. 乔恩·里克曼, Northwest flipped the switch on its “Electronic Campus” in 1987 and became the first public institution in the nation with networked computers in each residence hall room and faculty office. Northwest began to embed computer infrastructure in its academic landscape years earlier when it acquired, 在1977-1978学年, a computer to function as a server with multiple terminal access that make 计算 available to students and faculty beyond the departments of mathematics and computer science – but the Electronic Campus placed the University at the forefront and generated national attention.

十年后,随着互联网的出现, 威尼斯人在线升级了其网络以支持学生, faculty and staff use of multimedia and web-based applications while further enhancing learning at the University. In 1999, the University also established its Center for Information Technology in Education, 或引用, with state-provided mission enhancement funding to support the instructional technology needs and launched 西北在线 as a platform to offer online coursework.

随后, Northwest formed a partnership with the 科罗拉多州 Community College System that allowed students to transfer from a community college and complete bachelor’s degrees in business through 西北在线. 2001年12月, 斯特林的克里斯蒂娜·帕斯夸, 科罗拉多州, 成为第一个通过西北在线获得学位的学生, 攻读工商管理学士学位.

随着科技的进步,西北地区也在进步. In 2005, 西北航空公司开始提供全容量的笔记本电脑, 技术支持, 致所有在校生. 与大学的教科书租赁计划捆绑在一起, which provides undergraduate students with all of their primary textbooks at the start of each semester, it saves students thousands of dollars during the course of a four-year academic career compared to their peers at other universities.


Friden EC132 Calculator (1965) | A 50-pound calculator used in Northwest's physics, 化学与数学系, 它通常作为固态桌面电子计算器使用. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)HP2115A Micro Computer (1971) | Purchased by Northwest in 1971 for use in the physics, 化学与数学系, 这是第一台完全专用于学术用途的计算机. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Altair 8800(1975) |市场上第一台个人电脑, 威尼斯人在线在1975年为其图书馆购买了一台. 不幸的是,Altair不能支持库应用程序. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Commodore PET 2001 Series (1977) | Northwest's computer science department purchased Commodore PETs for teacher education in 1977. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Northwest's computer science department purchased Commodore PETs for teacher education in 1977. Radio Shack TRS-80 (1978) | The TRS-80 was used in Northwest's agricultural department, 主要用于创建农场管理电子表格. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Apple II (1978) | Apple II computers were purchased by Northwest for teacher education in 1978. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Osborne (1980s) | The first portable personal computer was purchased and used by Northwest's agricultural department. 很少有程序可以运行,因为屏幕被限制为40个字符行. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Kaypro 10(1980年)|第一台实用的便携式电脑, the Kaypro weighed 25 pounds and the 9-inch screen was a vast improvement over the Obsorne. 西北航空公司的计算服务部门使用了Kaypro, 现在的信息技术办公室. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)1982年,理查德·菲茨杰拉德在一台视频终端上完成了一个节目. 1984年,博士. 乔恩·里克曼, who was then Northwest’s director of computer services and retired in 2011 as vice president of information systems after 35 years at the University, 支持B中的双VAX.D. 欧文斯图书馆的计算中心.早期的计算机使用IBM打孔卡进行数据文件和输入. 打孔卡在西北航空公司一直使用到1986年.DEC彩虹(1986)|西北在1980年代购买了200架DEC彩虹. The DEC Rainbows were good text computers but failed to keep up with the demand for graphics. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)威尼斯人在线校长迪恩·哈伯德(左)拉开仪式的开关, “电子校园”于八月六日正式启用. 1987年8月18日,与州长. 约翰·阿什克罗夫特和密苏里州高等教育专员谢拉·艾瑞. Northwest was the first public university in the nation to have a campus-wide 计算 system.从1987年开始, every Northwest residence hall room was equipped with a computer terminal networked to a common server that provided access to an online library catalog, 文字处理和电子邮件.学生可以利用B级的计算机实验室.D. 欧文斯图书馆.天顶数据系统(1988)|天顶数据系统, 哪个西北公司为各个部门采购的, 运行一系列专业软件,可以处理颜色和图形. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Students gathered in an early electronic classroom in the Garrett-Strong 科学 Building with Dr. 哈兰·希金波坦教授普通化学课程.Toshiba Notebook Computer (1994) | Northwest purchased 200 Toshiba Notebook Computers for its EC Plus pilot program in 1994. The program was designed to provide students with a powerful portable education tool. But students were not interested in the program at the time and described the notebook computers like a "ball and chain.(由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)IBM Thinkpad(1996) | 1996年, 西北校区大约有600台大学拥有的笔记本电脑, 包括IBM Thinkpad, 最终取代了东芝的流行. 然而,学生们仍然没有看到拥有笔记本电脑的价值. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Upgraded VAX terminals graced residence hall rooms until 1997 when 计算 services installed new networks PCs in each room.MTECH电脑(1997)|西北购入2,在1997年投入了1000台MTECH电脑,并在每个学生宿舍布置了一台. 他们有一个可移动硬盘, which made maintenance easy and relatively hassle-free due to the standardized loadset. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)Gateway笔记本电脑(2005)| 2005年, 2人以上,向学生分发了200台笔记本电脑, signaling the beginning of a new Northwest notebook computer program that provided a wireless-ready notebook computer to every student living on campus. Students living off-campus had the opportunity to rent similar notebook computers for the semester. 与20世纪90年代的EC Plus计划不同, 学生们接受了这项新技术, and desktop computers were removed from residence halls as each student living on campus now had a notebook computer. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)HP Computers (2008) | 更多的 than 140 HP Desktop Computers were installed in general purpose 计算 labs at the B.D. 2008年欧文斯图书馆. (由Jean Jennings Bartik计算机博物馆提供)自2008年以来, Northwest has provided all full-time undergraduate and graduate students with HP wireless-ready notebook computers as part of an expanded laptop rental program.Students use their Northwest laptops while taking advantage of the technology available in a new “model classroom” in Colden Hall in this 2015 photo. A pair of students use their Northwest laptops to collaborate inside the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.Students use their Northwest laptops during a biology lab course taught by Dr. 格雷琴·索恩斯贝里在2023年.