a - z指数



一天 一年 事件
2月. 1 1924 Donna Sisson Eek took charge of the art department when Olive DeLuce left for Columbia University for graduate work.
2月. 1 1934 奥丽芙·德鲁斯的28幅画作在堪萨斯城的女子城市俱乐部展出.
2月. 1 2011 A blizzard struck the Midwest and 关闭d the campus for three days; it reopened 2月. 3.
2月. 1 2013 政府. Jay Nixon visited the campus to discuss the state’s performance-based funding model and praised Northwest for achieving all five benchmarks within the model.
2月. 2 1874 马里维尔通过决议,要求将师范学校设在诺达威县.
2月. 2 1910 校报《威尼斯人在线》创刊号.
2月. 2 1970 唐纳德·N. 华克工业艺术教育技术大楼, 今天更简单地称为沃克中心, opened and was named in honor of the industrial arts faculty member who was retiring at the end of the spring semester after 38 years of teaching.
2月. 2 1998 The Alliance of Black Collegians sponsored a Hall of Fame exhibit featuring notable African Americans and their contributions to the United States' culture.
2月. 3 1922 女子宿舍的场地, 也就是今天的罗伯塔·霍尔, 被选中,计划被批准了吗.
2月. 5 1987 杰夫Fairman, 威尼斯人在线的大四学生, 在未来化学家和生物学家的全国竞赛中获得第四名.
2月. 6 1969 Faculty showed their acting and dancing abilities to an enthusiastic and overflowing crowd in the Administration Building auditorium during “Faculty Frolics,,该活动旨在筹集资金,帮助对国际生活感兴趣的学生.
2月. 7 2004 校董会批准了笔记本电脑项目, 从2005年秋季开始,给每位住校学生发放一台新的笔记本电脑. 2004-2005学年的学费为165美元.州内学生每学时50美元
2月. 7 2019 威尼斯人在线自1月11日以来第五次停课. 在一个大雪纷飞、气温极低的冬天.
2月. 8 2013 Northwest student Aakash Patel entered into a lease agreement with the University’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to build his start-up company BlurPort LLC, 安全USB数据存储设备的生产商.
2月. 8 2020 威尼斯人在线将荣誉人文文学博士学位授予邓文迪博士. 帕特里克冷雾, a longtime volunteer medical doctor for 熊猫 athletics teams and a member of the 校董会 from 2013 to 2019, 包括2015-2019年担任董事会主席.
2月. 8 2022 威尼斯人在线接待了退休的美国宇航局宇航员. Scott Kelly at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts as part of its Distinguished Lecture Series.
2月. 10 1988 The famed San Diego Chicken entertained fans at a 熊猫 basketball game against Central Missouri State University.
2月. 10 2008 Dr. 吉姆Redd计划, 1966年的校友, 威尼斯人在线的前教练和体育主管, 被选入密苏里体育名人堂.
2月. 11 1952 玛蒂·戴克斯小姐受到J.W. 琼斯邀请他为学院建校五十周年写一本历史书.
2月. 11 2004 学生们可以从他们的美国银行转账.S. 他们身份证上的银行账户都是"鲍比·巴克斯.
2月. 12 1924 总统埃尔·拉姆金被警察局长约翰尼·阿什克罗夫特带进来并被判流浪罪.
2月. 13 1940 一个看起来更凶猛的熊猫被学生会采纳了.
2月. 13 1959 前第一夫人埃莉诺·罗斯福参观了西北校区,并向拥挤的人群发表了讲话,250名学生和员工在行政大楼礼堂.
2月. 13 1978 据报道,12英寸的降雪使该地区陷入瘫痪, 威尼斯人在线自1912年以来首次停课.
2月. 13 2004 The Northwest 校董会 and the University of Missouri Board of Curators signed a memorandum of understanding outlining provisions for a possible merger of the two institutions.
2月. 14 1946 退伍军人俱乐部出版了一份师生名录.
2月. 14 1980 Administration announced a decision to vacate Roberta Hall due to deteriorating conditions but reversed course two days later after opposition from residents.
2月. 14 2011 作为密苏里州三角洲牙科医院微笑之地项目的一部分, the Tooth Wizard and Plaque Man visited students in kindergarten through third grades at Horace Mann Laboratory School.
2月. 15 1915 Miss Hettie Anthony proclaimed at a school assembly that "efficiency is the science of self-management."
2月. 15 2018 罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心座无虚席. 葛兰汀, 一个全球公认的权威机构,致力于改善农场动物的福利和处理, 交付了西北航空公司的年度James H. 柠檬的讲座.
2月. 16 2010 35名学生加入了一年级校长Dr. John Jasinski on a trip to the state capitol in Jefferson City to speak with legislators and gain support for Northwest. 亚辛斯基在密苏里州众议院拨款委员会作证, “毫无疑问, 威尼斯人在线将继续挖掘每一笔没有效益的资金,并对每一个流程提出质疑, 没有达到威尼斯人在线目的的程序和人员. But we want you to know that our mission is to deliver on our heritage of innovation to address the uncertain economic times before us."
2月. 16 2012 作为对“高等教育持续变化”的回应,校长Dr. 约翰·亚辛斯基和教务长. 道格·邓纳姆宣布了威尼斯人在线学术项目的重组, which included consolidating its academic departments from 19 to 11 and eliminating the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, 7月1日生效.
2月. 16 2016 迈克·阿尔布克尔, a 1972 Northwest alumnus and senior advisor to the general manager/scouting and player development for the defending World Champion Kansas City Royals, delivered the keynote address for the annual Future Business Leaders of America District I Conference hosted by Northwest.
2月. 17 1923 The 校董会 offered a prize of $10 to be paid to a student who suggested the best name for the school's newly opened dormitory, but the prize was never awarded and the building remained known as Residence Hall until it was renamed in honor of Roberta Steel.
2月. 17 1997 校董会批准了“EC97”," a plan to upgrade the "Electronic Campus" and place new desktop computers in each residence hall room for the next fall.
2月. 17 2010 总统博士. John Jasinski and other campus leaders met with a contingent of instructors and deans visiting Northwest from Panama to gain a better understanding of how they could better support underprivileged children at their schools.
2月. 18
2月. 19 1926 一场化装舞会在宿舍举行,也就是今天的罗伯塔宿舍. 多萝西·英格兰和马文·韦斯特福尔获得最佳服装奖.
2月. 19 2004 弗兰肯·霍尔赞助了20世纪90年代的“桌游富矿”.W. 琼斯学生会. 游戏包括猜字游戏、大富翁和骰子游戏,以及一些较新的游戏,如性别之战.
2月. 20 1955 美国前总统哈里?. 杜鲁门参观了校园,并为马丁-佩德森军械库揭幕,现在是约翰·T. 里克曼电子校园支持中心.
2月. 21 1911 师范学校的女子篮球队与斯坦贝里高中比赛,以23比11获胜.
2月. 22 1920 一年一度的殖民地化装舞会是由高年级学生为高年级学生和教师举办的.
2月. 22 1921 A large American flag was flown for the first time on a pole erected on the Administration Building lawn to commemorate faculty and students who served in World War I.
2月. 22 1997 熊猫女子室内田径队赢得了第一个MIAA冠军.
2月. 22 2014 Northwest’s TRIO program honored President John Jasinski and first lady Denise Jasinski with its prestigious TRIO Champions award.
2月. 23 2009 历史上第一次, 密苏里州西部地区上诉法院在J.W. 琼斯学生会舞厅. 法院, 通常在堪萨斯城召开, 是1993年在诺达威县法院举行的吗
2月. 24 1920 二年级的学生偷了一年级的锦旗.
2月. 24 2015 For the third time in four years the Missouri State Recycling Program recognized Northwest for its recycling and sustainability programs and presented it with the 2014 Annual Recycling Award.
2月. 25 1984 Dr. B.D. 欧文斯, 谁从1977年开始担任西北航空公司的总裁, 他向校董会递交了辞职信.
2月. 25 1993 Northwest celebrated the start of a project to renovate and expand Lamkin Gymnasium during a groundbreaking ceremony.
2月. 25 2010 "The Music Man" opened its three-night run at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts as the music and theatre departments' biennial musical production.
2月. 25 2011 四名学生参加了一年一度的“金塘跳水”活动,为圣. 裘德儿童研究医院. Sophomore participant Kyla Kirksey won a pair of tickets to the upcoming Goo Goo Dolls concert by staying in the water the longest.
2月. 26 1998 Students met to share opinions and concerns about study environments on campus for the drafting of a student covenant to be included in the student handbook.
2月. 27 1912 第一次“运动饲料”是在中午由哈里·穆茨(Harry Mutz)提供的. V.I. 摩尔是一名教练,他给球员打“N”.
2月. 27 2004 “安全乘车回家”项目开始了,为西北地区的学生提供免费的下班后交通服务.
2月. 27 2022 Northwest community members and friends gathered in the foyer of the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts after a performance of "No Exit" to honor Professor of Theatre Dr. 西奥·罗斯(Theo Ross),他在这所大学担任了44年的教职,于那年春天退休.
2月. 28 1917 建筑师们正在设计一座女子宿舍.
2月. 28 2013 总统博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基在西北公司出品的《威尼斯人在线》中扮演“送货员”.”
2月. 28 2020 Northwest reminded students and employees to take precautions against the growing COVID-19 virus and announced its activation of a website with resources and answers to questions related to the institution’s response.