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Billing and Payments

Billing and Payment Information

Charging to Accounts

威尼斯人在线允许学生将校园内的各种费用记入他们的大学账户. 所有杂费在下个月的15号之前交. 以下是威尼斯人在线允许记入账户的一些项目.

  • Bearcat Shop charges
  • Parking fines
  • Wellness Services charges
  • Laser printing
  • Art store charges
  • Yearbook

Monthly Billing Statement

Students will receive their fall billing statement mid-July and the spring billing statement in mid-December. 全额付款必须在到期日或之前支付,以避免财务费用.

Northwest uses a balance forward system. 任何未付费用将作为先前的余额出现在后续账单上. 就像你的万事达卡或VISA对账单一样,费用不会第二次明细. Only new charges will be itemized.

Failure to pay the minimum due or make acceptable payment arrangements with the Office of Student Account Services could result in the students inability to use their meal plan and the possibility of administrative withdrawal. 在采取任何这些措施之前,都会发送一系列电子邮件通知. Student fees and miscellaneous charges are billed monthly and are consolidated on the billing statement. This allows the University to send the student one monthly billing statement covering all charges including tuition, technology fees, 教科书租赁费以及住宿和食物. 学生证“熊猫卡”也可以作为校园签帐卡. 这些费用是通过一个合并账户来结算的,比如在Bearcat Shop购物, copy charges, dining dollars, 停车许可证和健康服务费用.

Where Are Bills Sent?


Students may add additional authorized users to receive an email notification of the new bill to which they can view online.

双学分学生:除上述学生外, dual credit students will receive a paper bill each month to the permanent address listed on file.

Installment Plan (Fall 2023 - Summer 2024)

Students are encouraged to pay the total balance on or before the due date to avoid finance charges. Students will automatically be enrolled in an installment plan at the time they receive their bill. 学生可以在支付中心查看他们的分期付款金额.

Things to know

  • 1%的财务费用将适用于任何未付,16日的账单余额th of each month.
  • Financial aid and scholarships will reduce the overall balance on your account and cannot be used towards an installment payment.
  • 如果助学金和/或奖学金在截止日期前没有被授权到你的账户, you will be subject to a finance charge. 如果奖学金支票支付给学生和威尼斯人在线, 学生背书将被要求之前,它可以张贴到学生的帐户.
  • Monthly automatic withdrawal available.

View Your Installment Amount

  1. Log into the Payment Center
  2. Payment Plans tab

Direct Deposit


  • Enter the Payment Center by logging into CatPAWS
  • Select the Account tab
  • Select Payment Center
  • 在支付中心,选择页面顶部的退款
  • 选择“设置帐户”并按照提示继续设置您的个人资料

Statement of Financial Responsibility

The Financial Responsibility Statement outlines the terms and conditions of the financial responsibilities and obligations associated with attending Northwest Missouri State University.

查看财务责任声明 View PDF

Federal Title IV Funds

What are federal Title IV funds?

Title IV funds are federal student aid funds administered by the United States Department of Education.  Department of Education regulations only allow schools to use these funds to pay for current academic year institutional charges.

Title IV Funds

  • Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans
  • Direct Graduate PLUS Loans
  • Direct PLUS Loans
  • Federal Pell Grants
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOGs)
  • Federal Perkins Loans

联邦标题四基金不包括大学的奖学金, 西北基金会或其他民间组织.

Allowable Charges

  • Tuition
  • Mandatory fees
  • 住宿和食物,如果与大学签订合同

Non-Allowable Charges

  • Parking fines/permits
  • Health services/lab fees
  • 罚款-图书馆,课本,笔记本电脑,住房,纪律
  • Late fees, finance charges
  • Health insurance
  • Inclining dining


The U.S. 教育部要求第四章拨款用于特定的可允许收费.  如果你的第四章资金总额超过了允许的费用, the University will refund the excess to you.

Paying Your bill

In Person / Online / Mail

In person

Effective May 1, 2024, cash, debit cards, 收银处将不再接受信用卡.

  • 支票、现金、借记卡、信用卡或汇票
  • *西北航空公司每天接受500美元,不超过1美元,500 per semester, in cash payments, for each account holder.


  • Electronic check
  • Online debit
  • Credit card

Pay Now


  • Cashiering Office
    Northwest Missouri State University
    800 University Drive
    Maryville, MO 64468-6001
  • Be sure to include your 919#

International Payment


Northwest Missouri State University has partnered with Flywire to streamline the tuition payment process of international payments. Flywire allows you to pay securely from any country and any bank, generally in your home currency.

By making your payment with Flywire you can:

  • Track your payments from start to finish
  • Save on bank fees and exchange rates
  • 无论白天还是晚上,请联系他们的多语种客户支持团队

To make the payment:


Northwest and Flywire Partnership Letter View PDF

Students from India can apply for a pre-loaded EbixCash card View PDF to be loaded before departure. 出行安全,不用携带现金,也不用担心资金转移.


Northwest Missouri State University has chosen Convera to give you a simple, reliable way to pay. This allows you to pay in your home currency, either online or by bank transfer, with competitive exchange rates and takes the stress and uncertainty out of paying for your tuition. 请只转帐学生帐户上的应付款项,以免延迟付款.

How to make a payment:

  1. Login to the Payment Center
  2. Select make a payment
  3. Add the amount to pay, select continue
  4. 在方法下,选择银行电汇并按照提示操作

If you have a payment in progress and have questions or need help with a payment initiated by foreign currency, please contact Please include student’s full name, student ID and institution name in the subject line of the email. A dedicated hotline for student inquiries is also available to help you through the payment process: 

+1 877.218.8829
+1 402.884.3041


你的学生账户是在线支付学费和其他费用的地方.  Northwest Missouri State University has teamed up with TransferMate to provide a streamlined and secure payment method through your student account that also reduces bank fees and improves your payment experience.  With TransferMate, students can pay tuition and fees in their local currency from nearly any country.

What are the benefits?

  • Accurate currency conversions
  • Competitive exchange rates
  • Local currency payment methods
  • 更快的付款到您的学生帐户
  • Exceptional customer service

首先通过CatPAWS登录到支付中心. Watch this video for a quick demo.

How to make a payment:

  • Login to the Payment Center
  • Select Make Payment
  • Add the amount to pay, select Continue
  • 在方法下,选择TransferMate INTL并按照提示操作

With TransferMate, rates are held for 48 hours, you can track your transaction throughout the payment process and have access to 24-7 customer support. For assistance, contact


I have a past due bill, what do I do?

Current students

Please refer to Payment Options. 避免账户被送到外部催收机构, when no longer enrolled, students should update their address, phone number and email information so the University can contact you regarding a past due balance.


学生户口服务部负责收取前学生的逾期欠款, 大学员工和社区成员/企业. 内部催收工作开始于账户逾期至少30天. At 60 days past due, a letter is sent with the billing statement, 通知账户持有人账户余额, 解释不付款可能导致的后果,并提供分期付款计划. 收到此信后,请联系660.562.如果无法全额支付余款,威尼斯人在线将讨论付款方式. If you do not contact the University, efforts will be made to contact the account holder at the phone numbers and emails on file to arrange an installment plan if the account cannot be paid in full. If regular installments are received, the account will remain in university collection and will not be placed with an outside collection agency. Registration privileges will be restricted, 逾期账目的成绩单将不予公布.


Every effort will be made by the University to reach the account holder to secure payment in full or arrange an installment plan. If the account holder cannot be contacted, after 90 days, 该账户将交由一个外部机构进行催收工作. Accounts placed with a collection agency may be reported to the credit bureaus as allowed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). In this case, 帐户持有人将被限制注册课程和索取成绩单, until the balance is paid in full. This can also have an adverse effect on the ability to apply for a loan, rent an apartment and more. It is important that account holders contact Student Account Services to make payment arrangements to avoid this scenario.


当一个账户被转到外部催收公司时, 大学将不再发出帐单帐单.

  • Account holders who wish to make payment or schedule installments will need to contact the collection agency their account was placed with.
  • Registration will be placed on hold and transcripts will not be released until the balance is resolved.
  • 大学每月从外部催收机构收到一次付款. 一旦收到帐户上的全额付款, 保留将被删除,允许注册和/或成绩单请求. Because payments are received once a month, 如果全额支付,则帐户不会与大学实时更新. 帐户持有人可直接致电660与大学联络.562.1583 to speak with a billing and collection coordinator to review the account restrictions and verify if those can be removed prior to the University receiving the funds from the outside collection agency.

Outside Collection Agency Listing

201 N Brookwood Avenue
Hamilton, OH  45013
Phone: 877.322.KEY2

National Credit Management
PO Box 32900
St. Louis, MO  63132
Phone: 800.627.2300

Williams and Fudge, Inc.
300 Chatham Avenue
PO Box 11590
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone: 800.849.9791 

Radius Global Solutions, LLC前身为Windham Professionals, Inc.
7831 Glenroy Suite 250
Edina, MN 55439

State of Missouri Debt Offset Program

Northwest Missouri State University participates in the Debt Offset Program that intercepts State income tax refunds to satisfy outstanding debts.  Debtors with a past due, 前期余额超过25美元将向密苏里州税务局报告.  The Department of Revenue will notify the taxpayer if the amount owed to the University has been deducted from the individual’s Missouri State income tax return and sent to the University to be applied to the outstanding balance.